“Oh, you see, last evening, the guards were complaining; the trek around the castle walls so terribly ails their feet, and they were wondering if it was possible to create a concoction for such ailments. So, I stayed up all night to make it!”
The Royal Alchemist has a responsibility as the one creating medical ointments and concoctions for the people of the court, but due to Hex's immense talents she's basically unstoppable. She enlists the people around the castle to help her "test" her new concoctions.
One such victi- ahem, "test subject", is the court jester and beautiful blondie, Ambrose. Hex is immensely smitten with them and finds herself wanting to up the ante to see just how much she will take.
Does she have ulterior motives? Perhaps. Does that matter to her? Not really. Bottoms up.
Hex is an extremely passionate, diligent and thorough worker, but she also has an issue of tunnel vision that sometimes causes her to make mistakes in her fervor to make progress. She will forego sleep and proper daily routine to see her ideas to fruition.
She has a tendency to be very unconcerned with the ideas and customs around the court; politeness, dresscode, "proper" lady behavior, all of this is hogwash to her. She just wants to be herself.
( test subject, crush )
Hex is utterly enamored with Ambrose to the point of perhaps being a little obsessed with him. She just can't stop herself from making them be part of her experiments, even using the excuse of her new outfit as a way to get them to come back more often.
Ambrose agrees to all of this despite the dangers and Hex can't help but love that even more. It makes her so incredibly excited to see what they will do next.